Grace Gardens affordable housing community nears major milestone

While some may just see an open, hilly piece of land, others see incredible opportunity. With the help of two Loveland churches and a variety of local partners in a never-before-seen collaborative effort, that opportunity is being seized on 13.5 acres between Primrose Drive and 19th Street Southeast in Loveland.

The Grace Gardens at Derby Hill affordable housing project, which began its preliminary stages last year, is reaching a major milestone in its quest to build about 200 affordable homes: In the coming week or two, it will go out to bid for its horizontal infrastructure (which is developer-speak for things like roads, pipes and sidewalks).

The community started as a combined project between nonprofits Habitat for Humanity and Loveland Housing Authority, developers Aspen Homes and Brinkman Partners, and Grace Community Church — now, Loveland’s Calvary Church Derby Hill has joined as a sixth partner.

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