Grace Gardens at Derby Hill: An Innovative Affordable Housing Development

We are excited to be in the preliminary stages of an innovative housing development project aimed to bring affordable housing to Loveland.  The proposed Grace Gardens @ Derby Hill is a collaboration between the Loveland Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity, Grace Community Church, Aspen Homes, and Brinkman.

As it currently stands, the project would deliver 206 affordable units for every AMI (Area Median Income) level from 30% up to 120%. We are striving to create a vibrant, diverse environment with a mix of different housing products that provides varying housing opportunities.  This would be inclusive of 32 Habitat for Humanity homes (35-69% AMI), 30 homes by Aspen Homes (70-120% AMI), and 144 units of for-rent apartments by the Loveland Housing Authority (30-60% AMI).

The need for affordable housing in Loveland is at an all-time high.  Recent statistics from the Loveland Housing Authority show their current waitlist at 3,006 applicants. Projects such as this require collaboration and participation from both the public and private sector and we are in the early stages of the development review process.

If you would like to learn more about this project, join us at a Town Hall meeting this Saturday, 7/14, at 9:00 A.M. at the Loveland Library.